Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Target Trip

Last night was a great trip to Target! Here's a breakdown.

2 Kellogg's PopTarts $1.52 each - $0.55 printable here - $0.75 Target cpn = $0.22 each
2 Aveeno Baby products $3.50 - $2/1 Aveeno cpn - $1/1 Target coupon = $0.50 each
2 Earth's Best Organic Toddler Snacks $1.72 - $1/2 printable cpn (no longer available) - $0.75 Target cpn = $0.47 each
Bounce Dryer Bar $3.79 - $1/1 cpn (8/2 P&G insert) - $1.50/1 Target cpn (8/23 SS) = $1.29
2 Tide Travel Size $0.97 each - $1/1 cpn (8/2 P&G) = $0.06 moneymaker
2 Hillshire Farms lunchmeat $2.99 - $0.55/1 (8/16 RP) - $1/1 Target cpn = $1.44 each
3 GM cereal bowls $1.00 each - $1/1 Target cpn = FREE
2 DelMonte Fruit Chillers $2.00 each - $1/1 cpn = $1.00 each
2 Dove deoderant $3.29 - $2/1 cpn - $1/1 Target cpn = $0.29 each
2 Carmex lip balm $1.04 - $1/1 cpn (printable, no longer available) = $0.04
4 pack of Bic pens $1.00 each - $1/2 cpn - $1/2 Target cpn = FREE

Total $9.13 + tax
$47.49 before cpns = 81% savings!
All Target cpns can be printed here. Some Target stores will only let you use one like Target cpn per transaction.

These deals should be good for the entire week, but prices do vary some from store to store.

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